

Anthony James

Anthony is a fifth generation Australian man living on ancient lands among the oldest continuous cultures on earth. He is creator and host of The RegenNarration podcast, a Prime Ministerial award-winner for service to the international community, sought after MC, facilitator and educator, widely published writer, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, and Warm Data Lab Host Certified by the International Bateson Institute.



Chloe Maxmin

Chloe left the farm she grew up on in Maine, as many young folk do, and headed for the city. But, against frequent advice, she returned. And soon after, wondering why a kind community was voting for unkind politics, at age 26, she would stand for office and become the first Democrat ever to represent Maine House District 88, and the youngest member of the 129th Maine Legislature. Two years later, she’d become the youngest female state senator in Maine's history.

Chloe achieved all this with a community movement helped along by organisations like the one Chloe was trained by, a book (Dirt Road Revival) and film (Rural Runners) about her experience, and now a non-profit Chloe has co-founded that trains yet more people, called Dirtroad Organizing.