The RegenNarration Podcast
The RegenNarration podcast features the stories of a generation that is changing the story, enabling the regeneration of life on this planet. It’s ad-free, freely available and entirely listener-supported. You'll hear from high profile and grass-roots leaders from around Australia and the world, on how they're changing the stories we live by, and the systems we create in their mold. Along with often very personal tales of how they themselves are changing, in the places they call home. With award-winning host, Anthony James.
The RegenNarration Podcast
236. Returning to Fray: Reviving Memories & Stories of Regeneration
A brief new year's greeting from Guatemala, to herald a special festive season series of short episodes.
Around four years ago, some of you might remember I produced a series of nine episodes for an organisation called Clean State WA. That became the Clean State podcast, dedicated to regenerative transitions in my home state of Western Australia. Sadly, that organisation is no more, but the series of episodes produced featured such brilliant guests and stories that we resolved to find a way to keep them alive in the record.
Their premise is so related to The RegenNarration podcast – it’s why I was asked to produce them of course – sharing a vision, narrative shift, and a plan of action, grounded in stuff that’s already happening. In that sense, their relevance remains, these few years on, and not just to West Australians. So I hope you’ll enjoy the listen to these half hour stories on-location across WA, wherever you are.
Title slide: Fray Bartolome de las Casas, Guatemala, where I recorded this.
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G'day everyone and a happy new year to you. Anthony James, here for The RegenNarration, coming to you from my old hometown of B, las Casas, Alta Vera, paz, Guatemala. I'm down by the Campo de Fut, the old football ground. I say old because I think only the young kids play on it like they're doing now these days. It used to be the main ground, but I believe there's another one. Things have changed a lot, but down in this part of town they haven't changed so much. I used to live just across the other side of the football ground and now we're in a hotel that never was there before but is now that's out on the quiet edge of town. Now the main town isn't as quiet as it used to be, but here still the fireflies at night, the birds during the day and not so much traffic noise. So I get to be able to talk to you, but it's fair to say, the emotions are running thick on return here. There's so much to share. I'm contemplating how to do that best. So more on that soon. Suffice to say for now that the spirit of place here continues to be challenged but shines through as ever, and I'm seeing more so than before how it emanates from the land and waters here through the people then as now. Such generosity now to me and my little family, whose spanish continues to improve. The local indigenous Maya language, Q'eq'chi well, that's another story. A few words are returning to my mind the longer we're here, enough to get some more warm laughter going amongst the people. Anyway, saludos a todos de Fray que quizás están escuchando.
AJ:The other thing I'd like to get going right now is a special summer series of episodes on the podcast. Around four years ago, some of you might remember, I produced a series of nine episodes for an organisation called Clean State WA. That became the Clean State Podcast, dedicated to regenerative transitions in my home state of Western Australia. Sadly, that organisation is no more, but the series of episodes produced featured such brilliant guests and stories that we resolved to find a way to keep them alive in the record. I say we as I'm referring to conversations I've been having over the last year or so with former Clean State producer and now good ate and RegenNarration podcast subscriber, Luke Sweet. So when my customary festive season break came along, there's a local tuk-tuk. There were none of those when I used to be here. Now there are everywhere, for better and worse. Anyway, I was going to say so.
AJ:When my customary festive season break came along, I suggested the Clean State Eps could constitute a special series on The RegenNarration. Their premise is so related. It's why they asked me to produce them, of course sharing a vision, narrative shift and a plan of action grounded in stuff that's already happening. In that sense, their relevance remains these few years on, and not just to West Aussies. So I hope you'll enjoy the listen to these half hour stories on location across WA, wherever you are. The other benefit of this is that I'll also get to release some of the extra material that never saw the light of day with Clean State's strict half-hour mandate. So I'm looking forward to that too. May this be homage also to the rest of the Clean State crew who worked so hard on the broader vision and plan at that time. That legacy deserves to remain accessible. I reckon here's a humble contribution to that end. I'll start with the release of episode one shortly. So, in the words of my 10-year-old boy, Yeshe, on his podcast, thanks for listening and stay tuned.